Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dear Opinionated Parents...

Dear Opinionated Parents,

Hi. To be honest, I could be considered one of you. I have extremely strong opinions about how to raise my daughter. Some of these are based on mine and my husband's childhood, and some are derived from books, society, etc. And guess what...I think I'm right. I wouldn't be doing these things if I thought to myself, "You know, this probably isn't the best way, but what the heck!" When I was pregnant, I soaked up advice like a sponge, hoping to learn as much as possible about helping my girl become her best self in life. After Kinleigh was born, this excitement quickly went away when some of you decided to roll your sleeves up, sharpen your claws, and dig in.
I have been around mean people in my life, but never the kind of verbal attackers that other parents can be. I don't understand you! You remember the late nights, the hormones, the guilt, the constant fear of screwing up your kid? Why on earth would you choose to make snide remarks about the way I speak to my child in the store, or my Facebook statuses asking for help, or what I feed my child? It is none of your business unless I am harming her in some way, which you will see if you take one look at her that I am not.
Guess what. I did not breastfeed my baby for the year I planned on. I switched to formula really quickly. According to her pediatrician, she is healthy, and very developmentally on track/advanced for her age. She is one of the happiest babies I know. It is not your job to make sure I know breastfeeding would have been better, and it's not your job to assume that I didn't try.
I also don't co-sleep. I was a co-sleeper and was absolutely terrified of being alone for several years of my life. I would call home during sleepovers and have to be picked up. Add that to the fact that my husband and I toss and turn way too much, and we feel it's best that she sleep in her bed. She still loves us and she sleeps great.
Sometimes I make my baby food, and sometimes I don't. Sometimes, if Kinleigh tries to climb into the fireplace for the billionth time, and nothing else works, I lightly pop her hand and say "No!" I have very strong feelings about putting her in school around other children and plan on her getting a public education. If we were wealthier, I might go private school but that would be way down the road. Either way, I want her growing up around people who are different than her. I want her to experience disappointment and heartache while she lives with me and I can help her work through it.
You might not agree. If you go the crunchy route, all power to you! That's great! If you are the opposite of that, wonderful. Honestly, unless your child is in danger, I really don't care. Love your kid and take care of them however you see best. But don't throw your crazy hormones on me.
Regardless of my choices, remember that your words are hurtful. Your ugly looks in the grocery store are hurtful. Your endless supply of rude FB comments are hurtful. So, if you don't like what I think, then DON'T SAY A WORD. You can even unfollow or unsubscribe to me. Best be sure that if I have a problem with your parenting choices, I'm keeping it to myself.
I'm not saying that everyone isn't entitled to their own opinion. What I am saying is that every word out of your mouth isn't a pearl of wisdom inspiring me to be a better mom. Even if you don't mean it that way, I will probably take it that way because I'm exhausted and am spent trying to make sure I'm taking care of my family. Let's try the compassionate approach and maybe offer a helping hand instead of an earful of advice. That will go a lot farther in my book, at least.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Most ADD Post Ever.

I have desperately tried to write this blog post so many times. It's been a long time coming, but every time I try, I get that gentle nudge in my heart saying, "Nope. You can't say it that way." So I obey and delete. Well, here is yet another attempt at communicating the random spaghetti in my brain.

Lately I have become increasingly aware of the need for some intense personal growth on my part. I feel that I have grown so much in certain areas in my life that needed a tune up, but let parts of me that I was comfortable with go to the way side and just collapse. Five years ago, I was in a very confident place. I was teaching Turbo Kick and losing weight like crazy, taking masters classes, super plugged into my church, spending time with friends every weekend, and just was happy to be alive. I was NOT a crier by any means, nor was I someone who would just vomit my opinion on people. As far as faults go, I think I was extremely selfish about certain things and I had my values a little bit mixed up. I would apologize for breathing too loud if it meant keeping someone from being mad at me. I felt generally well liked and enjoyed that.

When Justin and I met, the first thing he noticed about me was my confidence. This was a mutual thing for us. During our dating relationship, I went through some personal issues, and as I like to describe it, "the floodgates burst open." It's like all of the insecurities I had, all of the worries that had been buried deep down, all of the fears came bursting out now that someone was in my life for the long haul. I had never been in a relationship that I was confident would last for a that I was, and we had begun the process of unlocking our "secrets" before marriage, I couldn't really get a hold of myself. I started having anxiety attacks frequently and couldn't get ahold of it until a few months after our wedding.

In our first couple of years of marriage, we have had lots of roller coaster moments. Deciding to try for a baby, having a miscarriage, having to bestow as much grace as possible on each other to get through the yuckiness, work drama,  a healthy pregnancy, starting our own businesses while working full time jobs, and now baby, have kept us jumping from one thing to the next. I gained so much weight while pregnant that the added physical struggle of my body not at all resembling the one in the wedding dress 2 years ago was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Once I started losing weight and getting more involved with some of the leadership involved in the company we are working with, I started seeing something in them that I wanted. I tell you what...there's nothing like being in a room full of winners and hearing them bare their souls to you that will spark something inside of you. For the past few months, it has become increasingly obvious that things have to change. I have to get my confidence back. But how? It's almost overwhelming.

Justin posted a Facebook status a couple of weeks ago that mentioned me "getting the confidence back that made him fall in love with me." He meant it as a compliment and I took it that way, but I also got to least half of our marriage has been spent with me feeling like an insecure mess. If the confidence is what he loves most about me, how hard must it have been for him to want to listen to all the junk? I owe it to him to do whatever it takes to get it together. I feel like I am having more and more glimmers of that person, but I'm ready for her to stay for the long haul.

Unfortunately, this sensitive girl does not have the thick skin required to do what it takes sometimes. The choices I am making to better myself, such as getting involved with AdvoCare, resigning from MISD, working out at a CrossFit box, etc seem to come with a slew of comments/remarks from people who don't agree with my choices. I think that social media has given us all the idea that we can say whatever we want without repercussions, but that is not the case. I have felt like I'm constantly having to defend my choices to people who are either just trying to get a rise out of me or genuinely think I'm ridiculous. I don't get that. There are plenty of people who I think are ridiculous. But I don't follow them. I avoid looking at the very things that would instigate an eye roll. I'm working daily on not being so opinionated about stupid things. I just deleted a recent rant I went on about some celebrity because I realized as I was typing this post that someone would probably call me a hypocrite based on a few of my statuses. I wish that we could all just support each other and help each other reach our goals, no matter if they are the same as ours.

All of that to say, I am too sensitive to handle snarky comments, rude texts, messages, etc. If you think that my posts about my child, my job, or whatever it may be are annoying, please help me out and unsubscribe or unfriend me. I would much rather you remove yourself from any of my social media than for you to say hurtful things. I am going through posts and deleting the ones that stick in my head as hurtful words. Growing a thick skin is much easier said than done. I'd ask that until I've achieved it, you will help me by refraining from hurtful words. And I will do my best to keep my tone and comments as positive and uplifting as possible.

My goal was not to whine, complain, sound like a baby, etc. I really just find myself getting so upset over stupid words on a page/screen that I feel like I need a freaking PSA to get things under control at least until I stop caring so much. I'm guessing maybe 2 people will read this so it's almost pointless, but it makes me feel somehow like I've said my piece. :)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dreaming Big in a Dreamless World

I want anyone reading this blog to think back to their high school/early college days. For some of us, it wasn't that long ago--I just turned 27 so between 5-10 years--but for others it might seem like a lifetime. Now, think about what your expectation of life was at that time. What did you want to be doing? Where were you wanting to live? Family? Friends? Faith? Now, examine where you are at this moment. What is life like for you now? Are you able to do and go like you desired?

 I remember having great expectations of life to come. I was going to meet someone in college, fall in love, get married, and teach overseas on the mission field. I had grand ambitions of writing a book, maybe a devotional or something similar. I wanted to be this blazing inspiration of a person who traveled the world. I expected money to be tight the first year I was on my own, but was sure that it would get easier as time went on. I also expected to stay the same physical shape I was back then. Things are not at all like I thought. Am I saying that I have a horrible life? Far from it. God has blessed me with a wonderful family, good health, and a good job. But somewhere along the line, I stopped dreaming and became a "realist."

How many of us claim that we are realists simply because it's easier than saying we've failed? I don't know how we stop dreaming. I think it has something to do with adversity. Eventually, enough people tell us we can't, or the bills don't disappear, or a life altering tragedy happens in your life, etc, etc. The list could go on for days. It breaks my heart that so many of the dreams we once had for ourselves have fallen on the sword so that we can do our best to just "get by" financially, emotionally, physically.

I am in the process of learning how to dream again. I have started gaining my body back through losing some weight, as seen in my results post on this blog. I've stopped crying every time I think about the things I want Kinleigh to be able to do, because I know that deep down inside myself, that determined 18 year old soul is still there. I know that if I work hard at the things I am passionate about, good things will happen.

What would it take for you to be able to really dream again? What would take the edge off to free you up to even think about dreaming? Justin and I are committed to putting dreams back in the hearts and lives of people we know. We are in the process of it now, but are surrounded by people who both dream BIG and achieve BIG. If this resonates with you, know that you are not alone and you are not a lost cause. There is still plenty of time for dreams to come true.

I want Kinleigh to be able to play soccer, or softball, or whatever. I want to take her to Disneyworld when she is still young enough to love the magic. I want Justin and I to go on another romantic getaway trip. I want to go to Europe and feel inspired while standing next to the Globe Theater. I want to have the courage to write a book! And I really believe that, with some hard work, faith in God, and trust that it's not all about me, great things are yet to come. What about you?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I wish you would have been there.

Last Wednesday, I went to Frisco for a ladies only Advocare event. I'm new to the organization, so I'm not necessarily as "star struck" as others might be by the names on the speaker list. I was told that Robbie Page was a rock star, so I was excited and ready to learn. Two of my newest friends, Holly and Maca, were there with me, so for once I didn't feel like a stranger in a sea of Spark shirts. Holly is connected to my business, and has proved to be not just a helpful business partner, but a new encourager in my life. I was ready to soak up some goodness with her and the rest of the girls with our team.

Let me preface the rest of this by saying that I tend to be overly honest. Whatever I feel is written on my face. I don't know how to hold in emotions at all. I'm not that person that just "lets it go" without resolution. This used to be a virtue of mine but is becoming a curse with every year I get older. You know that expression "HATERS GONNA HATE"? When the haters start hating, I get defensive. I feel like I have to slap them on the hand and tell them "No! Let me be!" I'm all about sharing the products I use with people because, well, they are amazing and are working, but even though we are having great success with the business, I've been hesitant to share the business opportunity with people. I start to imagine all of the questions they will ask me that I don't have answers for, and I just freeze. It's this paralyzing fear that causes me to become 100% ineffective.

Evidently Robbie Page reads my diary and lives inside my brain, because every word out of her mouth was a combination of amazing wit and cold hard truth slapping me in the face again, and again, and again. Here is the gist of what her message was: Stop letting fear keep you from reaching your goals. Stop letting your financial situation be funny. It isn't funny that you can't take a vacation this summer. It isn't funny that you turn your friends down for a pedicure because it isn't in the budget. It isn't funny that your check was .63 this month. It isn't funny that you have to shop at Target not because you want to, but because it's the best you can do. When will we reach the point of frustration when enough is enough? And once we realize something needs to change, if it's not AdvoCare, then what is it?

I'm slowly realizing that it doesn't matter what other people think about my business. I know my heart. I know that I love this company for 2 reasons: 1) I'm healthier now than I've been since high school and 2) it's given us the ability to pay bills while my maternity checks have been rolling in. It's been God's blessing to my family. The people I am connected to in this business are quality Christian people who have proved to give Justin and I more encouragement and accountability than I've had in a long time. Quite frankly, going to events isn't a chore. It isn't something I'm doing to put up the front. I love it!

I wish you could have been there. I wish you could have heard what I heard. I guarantee that if you'd been sitting where I was sitting, and listening to woman after woman talk about how their lives have completely turned wouldn't hesitate. You would jump on board.

I don't claim to have all of the answers, but I'm on a team that does. If you are sitting at your computer, phone, or iPad thinking to yourself "You know what? It's not funny that I can't ________...." then we need to sit down and at least have a conversation.

I'm through letting fear keep me from sharing something with others that is life changing. My purpose, my husband and daughter, are far bigger than the sting I feel when someone says "No thanks." I know what AdvoCare is doing for my family and what it CAN do for us down the road. If you want to do it with us, I promise, it's worth it. I'm no Robbie Page, but I can tell you that, for once, you DO have a choice. For me...I choose health. I choose security. I choose community. I choose WINNING AN INCENTIVE TO WATCH A SOCCER GAME IN AN EXECUTIVE SUITE WITH MY MAN!  :) I choose to have choices.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Easy Way Out

I need to work out my feelings a little bit regarding some negativity I've gotten lately. Gonna do my best not be negative or rude but just speak what I feel.

I have always been vehemently against fad diets, pills, or quick gimmicks to assist with weight loss. Many companies promise results, stick you on a plan, and then as soon as you stop taking the pill/drinking the shakes/eating the frozen meals, you gain all of your weight back. I believe that exercise and a healthy diet are the only lasting ways that people lose weight and keep it off. That said, let me just tell you EVERY way I've tried to lose weight.

In high school, I was a fan of Slim Fast shakes. Breakfast used to make me sick, so I would do a shake for breakfast. I played the following sports: basketball, cross country, tennis, golf, cheer, and track. So I worked out with athletics a TON. I also used to eat frozen dinners like Smart Ones for lunch. I'm not a big cook, never have been, so that was always easy for me. I was a size 7 as a freshman and finished high school a size 14. Even though I worked out religiously, I never did more than maintain because my diet was hit or miss.

The summer before college, I decided to be skinny at all cost. I maybe ate 500 calories a day for 2 months and was walking 5 miles daily. I got down to a 10 to start college. Ran 5 days a week, did aerobics, still ended up gaining 20 pounds. Gained a total of 40 in college.

I have been a Weight Watchers member, I've taken prescription diet pills, I have tracked calories and workouts, I have done the Whole 30 eating challenge, I've eaten the Paleo way, I've used Shakeology...I have NEVER had consistent weight loss. I've NEVER been thin. I have to fight tooth and nail for a half pound loss. In the past, my eating had to be perfect and I had to workout probably between 1-2 hours at least 5 times a week in order to see results. I have been so fit that I taught classes at the local gym, but even then was losing a pound a week max.

Have there been times where I was half heartedly trying? Sure. But as a whole, I have fought the weight loss battle really hard, only to always feel like a loser.

When I started the Advocare Challenge, I honestly didn't care what was in the products. It didn't matter to me how natural it was. However, as I began reading labels and really focusing on eating clean, I began to think about the long term. Do I want to be dependent on pills to be healthy? The first week after our challenge was over, the only Advocare product I used was Spark. I ate healthy and worked out. I lost 2 pounds. I didn't NEED the products to see results! Amazing!

If you can read this and say that "I didn't try hard enough," then you don't know me at all.

It has really hurt my feelings that some people are discounting what I've accomplished as a "quick fix" or "taking the easy way out," saying that I did things the wrong way. I have thought long and hard about my response, and here is what I will say to them:

1. Would you oppose me taking a multi vitamin in the morning or a calcium chew?
2. Would you oppose me taking a prenatal vitamin while pregnant?
3. Do you oppose treatment when sick? Depressed?

After 26 years, I had filled my body with so much yo yo dieting and crap food that no amount of exercise or healthy eating was making any kind of impact on my body. I was severely depressed, sluggish (almost flu-like), anxious, exhausted, and completely living a passive life. To me, this requires some kind of change...a healthy one, and something drastic.

The AdvoCare products I take are not quick fixes or appetite suppressants. They nourish my body in a way that restores it to its natural way of functioning. If I never took another Advocare product again, I would probably still reach my goal at some point. However, what is the point of not taking something that is only making me healthier? I research all of the ingredients of the supplements and am quite happy with what I have found. One of the doctors on the team developing the products is the man who INVENTED IV feeding. Seriously? How much credibility does that give these supplements?

I support getting healthy in whatever way works for you. My dad has been very successful on has saved his life. Is it what I want to do? No, but how proud am I that he has lost over 100 pounds and is going to be living a much longer life? I have a friend who used gastric bypass surgery to help him reach his goals. Could he have just eaten right and worked out and eventually reached his goal? Sure, but the urgency and motivation that his surgery provided gave him the confidence and platform to lose weight and inspire others. Sometimes, eating healthy and working out isn't enough, no matter how hard we try. Sometimes, we need help. Sometimes, we just want to feel how we were meant to feel!

I'm pretty sure that some of the skepticism is coming from the fact that Justin and I have started taking advantage of the business opportunity AdvoCare provides. Let me lay it out for you, people!

1. We signed up as distributors JUST to get a discount on the challenge bundles.
2. When we were loving our challenge and telling others about it, people started buying them off our site and we made some money, thinking, "Oooh cool! That's a little bonus!" It wasn't until this point that the whole money making section of AdvoCare was even brought to my attention.
3. We have been praying a lot about financial opportunities. My paycheck last month was $0.63 with MISD because of baby leave. My dream is to eventually stay at home full time, and I want to transition to part time work next year. Insurance for our family is going to cost a billion kajillion dollars. Because of how passionately I feel about helping people the way people have helped me, I feel like Advocare is a really great fit for us. I am so enjoying leading our current challenge group and it is so fulfilling to see people's lives change. Why not do this as a job? I feel like this is God's way of answering our prayers.

I share as much as I do, not to see how many people I can get to buy a challenge. I share because I want people to feel how I feel. I have not had this confidence in myself in years, and somehow I am caring for a new baby and losing weight without passing out in the middle of the day. Advocare makes this possible for me. I am seeing amazing results with our challenge group, and lives are being changed!

I won't ever hate on you for your choice of getting healthy. Don't hate on me! I wish I could just buck up and ignore the haters, but I have a sensitive heart and am a people pleaser. I want people to support us, even though they might not choose to do things the way we do.

I've made the commitment to not be one of those people who has an agenda when I talk to people. I will only ever talk to you about Advocare if I think that you could a) use the energy, b) benefit from the cleanse, or c) be successful in the business side of life. But I will also be honest with you about it. You won't get a phone call that says "Hey, good talking to you, let's catch up! By the way, let's talk about losing weight."

I hope my heart comes across in this post. If you are someone that has been burned by someone selling Advocare or a similar product, on behalf of them, I apologize. But they are not me. Let's work together in becoming healthy, the way that works best for us.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Before and After: Advocare 24 Day Challenge Results

***Disclaimer: I had a baby in January. I got a ton of stretchmarks and loose skin from it. I also still have about 60 pounds to go, so I'm not claiming that I'm a sexy piece of booty. If you are uncomfortable seeing a postpartum tummy, don't read. *****

So, I just read the post from my first day of the Challenge, and it made me tear up a little bit. I was so depressed and just sad. However, in order for me to demonstrate what the past month has meant to me, I will give you some background insight.

 I have struggled with my weight forever. I can't ever remember a time that I would consider myself skinny. People used to give me a hard time about how much I would eat and my XL tag on my sweatshirts. It was always a big joke that I was slow on our basketball team in high school, and even though I always played right along, it made me feel like crap about myself. I've always wanted to have a hot bod, but just never did. Between free food and just bad habits, I put on 30 pounds in college, topping out around 205.

Junior year of college, weighing almost 200 pounds

In 2009, a few months before I met Justin, my roomie and I became workout obsessed. I was teaching Turbo Kick at the gym, and working out twice a day several days a week. I dropped about 20 pounds and felt very much on the way to my goals. Then, Justin and I started dating and I put it on again. Lots of yo-yos happened until, finally, life slapped me in the face and I just stopped caring.

Running a 5K 2 months before our wedding

In February of last year, Justin and I got pregnant. We were ecstatic! The day before my first appointment at 9 weeks, I ended up going to the ER due to lots of pain. Turns out that I had had a miscarriage. I felt so angry and sad. More than that, I felt like it was somehow my fault for being unhealthy. I didn't want to go to work, let alone eat healthy or work out. Justin and I were trying to work on our hearts, so our bodies took a back seat.

When I found out in May that I was pregnant again, I was terrified. And so very nauseous. The combination of these two things caused a standstill in any extra activity. I had gained some pounds and had returned to my end of college weight--205, and scared that I would somehow jostle the baby and go through the same heartache. Any healthy food I put in my mouth made me feel like I was going to throw up. I ate what I want and sat around all summer, continuing into the fall when I went back to work. I started getting stretchmarks halfway into my pregnancy, and instead of putting cream on them, I thought to myself, "Who cares? I'll never be attractive again." Looking back, I can't believe I ever thought that way. It breaks my heart to think that I felt that way about myself. As of New Year's Eve, I had gained 56 pounds into my pregnancy. I had stretchmarks all over my abdomen, hips, butt, thighs, all the way down to my knees. I didn't think there was any way Justin would ever look at me the same again.

(Me at 37 weeks)

Once Kinleigh was born, our lives were turned upside down. Babies are so wonderful and hormones are not. I was in such a mixture of euphoric joy and yucky guilt and self pity. My weight loss froze after about 10 pounds of my 56 pounds were gone. I couldn't run for 1 minute without feeling like I was going to die. There were several times I just sat there, looking at my stomach, thinking "I'm going to be a fat mom." It makes me sick to think that I was there.

First week of little K's life- me at 240 pounds

Justin had brought up the Challenge several times, and I had dismissed it, thinking that Advocare was just another gimmick that would cost a ton of money and produce no results. However, after investigating it, I felt like maybe, just maybe, it was the push I needed to make a change. In my mind, I really think it was my last ditch effort to try...if it hadn't worked as well as it had, I might have given up.  He promised to do it with me, so we ordered our bundles and got ready to hate our life for 24 days.

I made Justin take some before pictures of me. I refused to look at them until today, and when I opened the email, I started bawling. Not only do I not recognize the body in front of me, but the look on my face says everything that was in my head. It tells me exactly how I felt about myself---disgusted.

Long story short...I lost 10 pounds on the Challenge. I'm wearing clothes that I haven't been able to wear since K's birth. I have no desire to drink soda or eat junk food addictions and cravings have completely changed. I have energy to work all day, play with my baby, edit photos and clean house when I get home. Advocare didn't do the work for me, but it made the changes doable. I never once felt overwhelmed or that I was going to quit. Once I got past day 7, it felt pretty easy. I signed up to be a distributor just to get a discount on Spark, but I feel so very passionately about this company and these products that I am making myself show you these pictures in hopes that you will see what a change YOU can make in just 24 days.

I've been terrified to share these before and after photos. Honestly, I'm worried that people will see that I don't have a six pack or notice that my skin is still jiggly and think less of me. I'm concerned that people will say mean things about my stretch marks. I know that I'm putting myself at risk to get some negative comments about my appearance, but it isn't the tan six pack people that inspire me. It's the people who have normal lives but have made amazing changes that kept me going. My hope is that it will be encouraging for real people to see real results, even if they are just in progress.

So...deep you go.

In the before picture, I weigh 237 pounds. Today I weigh 227. My goal is 160, so we have a ways to go, but for the first time in a really long time, I KNOW that I can get there. I'm setting small goals and making changes, and I feel healthier than I have in a while. I'm a better wife and mom than I was a month ago.

My husband Justin totally just OWNED this challenge. He lost over 15 pounds and his results are so incredible! To read about his journey and see his pictures, check out his blog:

If you are interested in trying any Advocare products, including the Challenge, for yourself, I'd love to give you some information and help you out! You can see some of the different products and shop on their website here:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Advocare Days 2-10

I'm SOOO good at keeping up with blogging. It's not like I have anything to do, like work, parent, etc. Anyways. As of Day 10 of the cleanse, I'd lost 5.5 pounds! I'm happy that we had a few days of Spring Break to prep and get in the groove of things, because that has made this process a lot easier. I don't really miss a lot of the stuff I used to eat. I made it through the whole 10 days without cheating, with the exception of a skinny margarita on a friend's birthday. Justin and I are both finishing the 14 day max phase, then plan on posting our before and after pictures. I am wishing I would have taken different before photos, because the ones I'm using are for when I started Turbo Fire, and I think I was a little bit bigger than that going into the Challenge. But we shall see!

Today (day 16) I cheated for the first time with food. I had a bite of corn casserole, a cookie, and a tiny bite of cake. 5 hours later and I feel like CRAP. Seriously awful. I'm not planning on cheating again.

Other changes I have whole sweating through the night has gotten a lot better. Prior to the challenge, I was waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. It was pointless to shower at night because I was disgusting when I woke up. Now, it's only a mild hot flash and it doesn't affect my personal hygiene. Ha ha.

The biggest personal victory I've experienced is the fact that there is now blingage resting on my left hand once again. Yep, I can wear my wedding ring! The other band is still too tight (which is weird) but the ring fits. I haven't worn it since August so I'm super excited to get to wear it again!

8 more days. We can do it! Woot woot!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Emotional Dumping and Advocare Cleanse: Day 1

So, it's been 2 months since I gave birth to my girl, and my body has decided that it's done all of the changing it's going to do on its own. As soon as I got cleared to work out at 4 weeks, I started both Turbo Fire and Couch to 5K, and didn't realize that my organs would literally jiggle and shake inside of my body. I was in a lot of internal pain from working out. Then, after a week of eating perfectly clean and working out like crazy, I lost less than a pound. Seriously??? I haven't worked out in almost a year and that's what I get? I was so frustrated that I kind of gave up the past month.

I don't know if this is normal or not, but I've really been going through a lot both emotionally and physically with my body. I look in the mirror and I don't recognize myself. This is something that I don't know if I can make anyone understand. I love my baby girl...but being her mom has changed my body in a way that it can never look "normal" again. I have stretchmarks over a foot long all over my stomach, hips, butt, and thighs. My skin is saggy. There is fat distributed in such random places that the curves I've always sported aren't so much curvy as bag of potatoes. I feel guilty for even caring. After all, I need to make sure my house is clean, my baby is healthy, my man is taken care of and feels loved...when do I have time/motivation to just work on me?

 I think back to when Justin and I first started dating and remember what I looked like then, and how I felt about myself. I used to read all of the time, work out (as an instructor!), go out with friends, play guitar, etc. I was confident and secure. These are the things that attracted my husband to me in the first place. Now, I feel that I am a fragment of that person. I am so very insecure about the extra skin, the miles of stretchmarks, the plus size clothing I'm now wearing. I'm trying less and less when I get ready and LOOK like that mom I swore I would never be. So I'm constantly asking him if he thinks I'm pretty, if I'm bothering him, etc. I know that it must wear on him. He is so good at constantly showing me he, sweet words, texts...but something in my brain questions how he could love me that much when I'm so blah. I question why he would want to be around me because, well, I don't want to be around me.

The only thing I AM confident about is that I'm doing a pretty good job raising a healthy girl. Kinleigh is so sweet and so responsive to us both. She is a schedule baby, and at 9 weeks is sleeping through the night. Everyone who babysits her talks about what a great baby she is, and I'm proud that the hard work J and I put in has helped her be a great kiddo. I am so very happy with my marriage and with my life...I just can't understand why anyone is happy with me. This is probably hormones, but I've never had a baby before, so I know nothing.

Anyway, I can't just sit and wallow in my negative emotions. Bottom line, I want to be that girl that Justin fell in love with. I want to get myself back. I want to be a mom that inspires my daughter to have a full life. A friend of mine introduced me to Advocare and talked to me about her own struggles as a teacher and mother. Her words of encouragement got me to pull the trigger, and here I am.

Today was the first day, and it wasn't as bad as I imagined. No shakes, flu like symptoms, or headaches from quitting coffee and Dr. Pepper. Now, I went to the bathroom way more times than anyone needs to hear about. We ate eggs, spinach, and tomatoes scrambled together with a pear for breakfast, and a salad with turkey breast for lunch. One of my fav snacks, carrots and hummus, is challenge friendly so I munched on that. Dinner was spaghetti squash, sweet potato and tilapia. I feel full, which could be because of the billions of gallons of water I'm drinking.

This challenge has to work. I weighed in this morning at 237 pounds, which is closer to a Biggest Loser contestant than a fit person. I can't fit into normal clothing and am so disgusted by my body. I need this...not for anyone else, but for me. If I can get my health under control, then I think the rest will take care of itself. My family deserves me at my best. Justin is the love of my life and I want to be able to take care of him, but most importantly, be his best friend. At the end of the day, he and K are my priority and I don't want to turn into a shadow of the person I know I can be. I want my family to be proud of me.

I wasn't meaning to be Debbie Downer today, but I guess I need an outlet for some of these crappy thoughts. Say a prayer for us as we continue the 24 day challenge.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kinleigh: 1 Month

My first update post! How exciting! It has been a crazy month of learning how to become a parent. I couldn't have envisioned a better baby. Kinleigh is so sweet and snugly, and we are loving it. It was pretty amusing trying to take 1 month old pictures, especially since she can't sit up or really do much without props. She kept slumping over, so Daddy had to keep a finger on/around her at all times. Kinleigh girl, here's some special details about you. :)

Length: 21.5 inches
Weight: 10.1 lbs
You got your first shot last week. It broke my heart but you recovered quickly. Atta girl :)
Size 1 diapers

Well, everything. Because you are new! 

As far as naps go, you are AWESOME. A lot of times I have to wake you up to eat because you are so content in your swing, crib, or in my arms. You like to sleep with your hands up like you are surrendering to a robber. In the middle of the night, I'd say you do great every other night. Sometimes though, you just like to party and are wide awake! You make crazy faces that are really cute. At first, you would sleep with your legs straight up in the air, which would explain the huge stretched out belly I had during pregnancy.

You are eating 3-4 oz. of formula 7 to 8 times daily. You love to eat! Burping...not so much. You get really mad when we stop in mid bottle. 

You are such a happy baby! The only time you cry is when you are hungry or naked. Very rarely are you fussy in the evenings, and usually it's because of a little gas. 

Your swing, eating, sleeping, music, your stuffed puppy, dancing with Daddy, story time with Mommy, snuggling up on your tummy with either one of us.

diaper changes, constipation, being hungry. And Nelly...she tries to sniff you and it annoys you (and me).

We love you baby girl and can't believe how fast things are moving. You are beautiful, special and so loved!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

4 weeks later...


It has been almost 4 weeks since you were born. It has been a roller coaster, but I think we are finally getting used to each other! Daddy had to go back to work a week after you were born, but you had a LOT of people loving on you and helping Mommy take care of you! Mimzi, Pops and Gigi, and Memaw all stayed at the house to help us learn how to take care of you.

I always used to think that parenthood wouldn't change me very much. I was wrong---you have turned my world upside down! If there is something wrong with you, I'm absolutely blind to it. You are perfect in my eyes, pretty girl. I have been taking pictures of you non stop because I'm obsessed with you!

It has been hard not knowing what to do all of the time. Babies don't come with a manual! Your daddy and I have exchanged the "What the heck do we do????" look about a billion times a day. But I know a little more now then I did when I brought you home, and I'm hoping that trend continues.

I hope that I can be a good mom to you. I want you to grow up having more good memories and thoughts towards me than bad. I'm a pretty Type -A, anxious person, and I'm praying that you don't inherit that from me. It's not fun, especially when you have a newborn that can't talk to you and tell you exactly what she needs.

But know this---I love you, kid!

-Mom :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Birth Story- Kinleigh Lynn Dearing

It's been 2 weeks since my world changed forever. I'm finally starting to get some normalcy around here so that I don't feel guilty about playing on the computer a bit. I don't want to forget the is the story of Kinleigh's birthday!

We arrived at the hospital (January 7th) around 6am to start the induction. The nurses let us into our room, but we couldn't get started until about 7:15 because another induction had progressed really quickly and the hospital was short staffed. It took about 30 minutes for the pitocin to kick in and contractions to start. I was at a 1.5cm when I arrived, which was assuredly an "okay" starting point.

I had already planned on getting an epidural at a certain point, but I wanted to wait until I was progressed pretty far. For the next 6 hours, I walked laps, sat on the birthing ball, moved around, etc. The contractions started getting pretty strong, and I was SURE I was progressing quite nicely. Around 1:30pm, the doctor checked me, and....I was a 2. I was so frustrated and starting to think that the induction wasn't going to work. The doctor had to wait until I was between a 3 and 4 to break my water due to a weird angle with my cervix. I didn't know how much longer I was going to have to wait, and felt a little defeated. Justin gave me his best Coach Taylor pep talk (too many Friday Night Lights episodes the week before) and we just kept at it.

Me pretending I'm giving birth on the ball. I'm a weirdo. Don't judge.

Around 3:30, they checked me again, and I was at a 3. The doctor broke my water (OWWW) and the contractions immediately intensified. Again, OOWWWW. I opted to get the epidural---I didn't want to chance a quick progression and miss my window to get it. The first time he put it in, only half of my body went numb. I will tell you that the hardest part of that entire labor process was sitting bunched in a ball while my contractions were piggybacking and I felt like puking. The actual epidural was not near as scary or bad as I thought.

The epidural kicked in around 4:00 and it was sweet relief. I applaud anyone who goes natural, because I can't imagine not having the drugs. They checked me at a 4.5, then I took an hour nap. When I woke up, I felt some kind of strange pressure. The nurse checked me again, looked up at me, then said "So...we are having this baby now!!!" I had progressed to a 10 during my nap!

Suddenly, everything got crazy. People were coming in left and right, equipment was being wheeled in, and I was being taught how to push. I had no idea what to expect, and couldn't really feel much. From the first push, my sister saw Kinleigh's head, which motivated me to go into "Get this baby out now" mode. 15 minutes later, my girl was born.

I bawled like a baby. Justin lost it. My sister was sobbing while taking pictures. We were all just a mess. From the second they place Kinleigh on my chest, I knew my life would not be the same. Justin got to learn lots of fun things about her while the doctor stitched me up. We are so in love with our little girl!!!

Thank you to everyone who has called, texted, dropped by, etc. We feel so loved and supported. We couldn't do this without you!