Monday, August 12, 2013

Dreaming Big in a Dreamless World

I want anyone reading this blog to think back to their high school/early college days. For some of us, it wasn't that long ago--I just turned 27 so between 5-10 years--but for others it might seem like a lifetime. Now, think about what your expectation of life was at that time. What did you want to be doing? Where were you wanting to live? Family? Friends? Faith? Now, examine where you are at this moment. What is life like for you now? Are you able to do and go like you desired?

 I remember having great expectations of life to come. I was going to meet someone in college, fall in love, get married, and teach overseas on the mission field. I had grand ambitions of writing a book, maybe a devotional or something similar. I wanted to be this blazing inspiration of a person who traveled the world. I expected money to be tight the first year I was on my own, but was sure that it would get easier as time went on. I also expected to stay the same physical shape I was back then. Things are not at all like I thought. Am I saying that I have a horrible life? Far from it. God has blessed me with a wonderful family, good health, and a good job. But somewhere along the line, I stopped dreaming and became a "realist."

How many of us claim that we are realists simply because it's easier than saying we've failed? I don't know how we stop dreaming. I think it has something to do with adversity. Eventually, enough people tell us we can't, or the bills don't disappear, or a life altering tragedy happens in your life, etc, etc. The list could go on for days. It breaks my heart that so many of the dreams we once had for ourselves have fallen on the sword so that we can do our best to just "get by" financially, emotionally, physically.

I am in the process of learning how to dream again. I have started gaining my body back through losing some weight, as seen in my results post on this blog. I've stopped crying every time I think about the things I want Kinleigh to be able to do, because I know that deep down inside myself, that determined 18 year old soul is still there. I know that if I work hard at the things I am passionate about, good things will happen.

What would it take for you to be able to really dream again? What would take the edge off to free you up to even think about dreaming? Justin and I are committed to putting dreams back in the hearts and lives of people we know. We are in the process of it now, but are surrounded by people who both dream BIG and achieve BIG. If this resonates with you, know that you are not alone and you are not a lost cause. There is still plenty of time for dreams to come true.

I want Kinleigh to be able to play soccer, or softball, or whatever. I want to take her to Disneyworld when she is still young enough to love the magic. I want Justin and I to go on another romantic getaway trip. I want to go to Europe and feel inspired while standing next to the Globe Theater. I want to have the courage to write a book! And I really believe that, with some hard work, faith in God, and trust that it's not all about me, great things are yet to come. What about you?

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