Friday, July 6, 2012

Things are Changing...

I've decided to start a new blog for family and well, more personal, updates. We have been on a huge roller coaster this year. Justin and I got married in June of last year, and swore up and down we wouldn't even think of starting a family until a year later. Well, of course, plans never go how you think, and only months later we were feeling that "pang." Thus began the ups and downs of trying to have a baby. I now know way too much about ovulation, schedules, hopes, loss, grief, and renewal. Finally, in early May, I went to the doctor because I had ridiculous fever and coughing. The doctor was recording my stats, notice a lack of a monthly friend in my life, and suggested I "take the test." Justin bought one and I stared at it for about an hour before I finally caved. It took about .5 seconds for the test to look like this:
Needless to say, we were shocked anxious freaking out super excited! It was really difficult to keep it under wraps, but we kept our news secret until we got a heartbeat from the doctor and a scan of this little marshmallow, due January 12:
Let's fast forward several weeks...I'm now 13 weeks along and feeling like it's taken me forever to process having this baby. I'm finally at a place where I can confidently take belly pictures, write blog updates, etc. So here we go! Follow me as we start this crazy adventure together.

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