Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kinleigh: 1 Month

My first update post! How exciting! It has been a crazy month of learning how to become a parent. I couldn't have envisioned a better baby. Kinleigh is so sweet and snugly, and we are loving it. It was pretty amusing trying to take 1 month old pictures, especially since she can't sit up or really do much without props. She kept slumping over, so Daddy had to keep a finger on/around her at all times. Kinleigh girl, here's some special details about you. :)

Length: 21.5 inches
Weight: 10.1 lbs
You got your first shot last week. It broke my heart but you recovered quickly. Atta girl :)
Size 1 diapers

Well, everything. Because you are new! 

As far as naps go, you are AWESOME. A lot of times I have to wake you up to eat because you are so content in your swing, crib, or in my arms. You like to sleep with your hands up like you are surrendering to a robber. In the middle of the night, I'd say you do great every other night. Sometimes though, you just like to party and are wide awake! You make crazy faces that are really cute. At first, you would sleep with your legs straight up in the air, which would explain the huge stretched out belly I had during pregnancy.

You are eating 3-4 oz. of formula 7 to 8 times daily. You love to eat! Burping...not so much. You get really mad when we stop in mid bottle. 

You are such a happy baby! The only time you cry is when you are hungry or naked. Very rarely are you fussy in the evenings, and usually it's because of a little gas. 

Your swing, eating, sleeping, music, your stuffed puppy, dancing with Daddy, story time with Mommy, snuggling up on your tummy with either one of us.

diaper changes, constipation, being hungry. And Nelly...she tries to sniff you and it annoys you (and me).

We love you baby girl and can't believe how fast things are moving. You are beautiful, special and so loved!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

4 weeks later...


It has been almost 4 weeks since you were born. It has been a roller coaster, but I think we are finally getting used to each other! Daddy had to go back to work a week after you were born, but you had a LOT of people loving on you and helping Mommy take care of you! Mimzi, Pops and Gigi, and Memaw all stayed at the house to help us learn how to take care of you.

I always used to think that parenthood wouldn't change me very much. I was wrong---you have turned my world upside down! If there is something wrong with you, I'm absolutely blind to it. You are perfect in my eyes, pretty girl. I have been taking pictures of you non stop because I'm obsessed with you!

It has been hard not knowing what to do all of the time. Babies don't come with a manual! Your daddy and I have exchanged the "What the heck do we do????" look about a billion times a day. But I know a little more now then I did when I brought you home, and I'm hoping that trend continues.

I hope that I can be a good mom to you. I want you to grow up having more good memories and thoughts towards me than bad. I'm a pretty Type -A, anxious person, and I'm praying that you don't inherit that from me. It's not fun, especially when you have a newborn that can't talk to you and tell you exactly what she needs.

But know this---I love you, kid!

-Mom :)