Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dear Opinionated Parents...

Dear Opinionated Parents,

Hi. To be honest, I could be considered one of you. I have extremely strong opinions about how to raise my daughter. Some of these are based on mine and my husband's childhood, and some are derived from books, society, etc. And guess what...I think I'm right. I wouldn't be doing these things if I thought to myself, "You know, this probably isn't the best way, but what the heck!" When I was pregnant, I soaked up advice like a sponge, hoping to learn as much as possible about helping my girl become her best self in life. After Kinleigh was born, this excitement quickly went away when some of you decided to roll your sleeves up, sharpen your claws, and dig in.
I have been around mean people in my life, but never the kind of verbal attackers that other parents can be. I don't understand you! You remember the late nights, the hormones, the guilt, the constant fear of screwing up your kid? Why on earth would you choose to make snide remarks about the way I speak to my child in the store, or my Facebook statuses asking for help, or what I feed my child? It is none of your business unless I am harming her in some way, which you will see if you take one look at her that I am not.
Guess what. I did not breastfeed my baby for the year I planned on. I switched to formula really quickly. According to her pediatrician, she is healthy, and very developmentally on track/advanced for her age. She is one of the happiest babies I know. It is not your job to make sure I know breastfeeding would have been better, and it's not your job to assume that I didn't try.
I also don't co-sleep. I was a co-sleeper and was absolutely terrified of being alone for several years of my life. I would call home during sleepovers and have to be picked up. Add that to the fact that my husband and I toss and turn way too much, and we feel it's best that she sleep in her bed. She still loves us and she sleeps great.
Sometimes I make my baby food, and sometimes I don't. Sometimes, if Kinleigh tries to climb into the fireplace for the billionth time, and nothing else works, I lightly pop her hand and say "No!" I have very strong feelings about putting her in school around other children and plan on her getting a public education. If we were wealthier, I might go private school but that would be way down the road. Either way, I want her growing up around people who are different than her. I want her to experience disappointment and heartache while she lives with me and I can help her work through it.
You might not agree. If you go the crunchy route, all power to you! That's great! If you are the opposite of that, wonderful. Honestly, unless your child is in danger, I really don't care. Love your kid and take care of them however you see best. But don't throw your crazy hormones on me.
Regardless of my choices, remember that your words are hurtful. Your ugly looks in the grocery store are hurtful. Your endless supply of rude FB comments are hurtful. So, if you don't like what I think, then DON'T SAY A WORD. You can even unfollow or unsubscribe to me. Best be sure that if I have a problem with your parenting choices, I'm keeping it to myself.
I'm not saying that everyone isn't entitled to their own opinion. What I am saying is that every word out of your mouth isn't a pearl of wisdom inspiring me to be a better mom. Even if you don't mean it that way, I will probably take it that way because I'm exhausted and am spent trying to make sure I'm taking care of my family. Let's try the compassionate approach and maybe offer a helping hand instead of an earful of advice. That will go a lot farther in my book, at least.