Thursday, May 30, 2013

I wish you would have been there.

Last Wednesday, I went to Frisco for a ladies only Advocare event. I'm new to the organization, so I'm not necessarily as "star struck" as others might be by the names on the speaker list. I was told that Robbie Page was a rock star, so I was excited and ready to learn. Two of my newest friends, Holly and Maca, were there with me, so for once I didn't feel like a stranger in a sea of Spark shirts. Holly is connected to my business, and has proved to be not just a helpful business partner, but a new encourager in my life. I was ready to soak up some goodness with her and the rest of the girls with our team.

Let me preface the rest of this by saying that I tend to be overly honest. Whatever I feel is written on my face. I don't know how to hold in emotions at all. I'm not that person that just "lets it go" without resolution. This used to be a virtue of mine but is becoming a curse with every year I get older. You know that expression "HATERS GONNA HATE"? When the haters start hating, I get defensive. I feel like I have to slap them on the hand and tell them "No! Let me be!" I'm all about sharing the products I use with people because, well, they are amazing and are working, but even though we are having great success with the business, I've been hesitant to share the business opportunity with people. I start to imagine all of the questions they will ask me that I don't have answers for, and I just freeze. It's this paralyzing fear that causes me to become 100% ineffective.

Evidently Robbie Page reads my diary and lives inside my brain, because every word out of her mouth was a combination of amazing wit and cold hard truth slapping me in the face again, and again, and again. Here is the gist of what her message was: Stop letting fear keep you from reaching your goals. Stop letting your financial situation be funny. It isn't funny that you can't take a vacation this summer. It isn't funny that you turn your friends down for a pedicure because it isn't in the budget. It isn't funny that your check was .63 this month. It isn't funny that you have to shop at Target not because you want to, but because it's the best you can do. When will we reach the point of frustration when enough is enough? And once we realize something needs to change, if it's not AdvoCare, then what is it?

I'm slowly realizing that it doesn't matter what other people think about my business. I know my heart. I know that I love this company for 2 reasons: 1) I'm healthier now than I've been since high school and 2) it's given us the ability to pay bills while my maternity checks have been rolling in. It's been God's blessing to my family. The people I am connected to in this business are quality Christian people who have proved to give Justin and I more encouragement and accountability than I've had in a long time. Quite frankly, going to events isn't a chore. It isn't something I'm doing to put up the front. I love it!

I wish you could have been there. I wish you could have heard what I heard. I guarantee that if you'd been sitting where I was sitting, and listening to woman after woman talk about how their lives have completely turned wouldn't hesitate. You would jump on board.

I don't claim to have all of the answers, but I'm on a team that does. If you are sitting at your computer, phone, or iPad thinking to yourself "You know what? It's not funny that I can't ________...." then we need to sit down and at least have a conversation.

I'm through letting fear keep me from sharing something with others that is life changing. My purpose, my husband and daughter, are far bigger than the sting I feel when someone says "No thanks." I know what AdvoCare is doing for my family and what it CAN do for us down the road. If you want to do it with us, I promise, it's worth it. I'm no Robbie Page, but I can tell you that, for once, you DO have a choice. For me...I choose health. I choose security. I choose community. I choose WINNING AN INCENTIVE TO WATCH A SOCCER GAME IN AN EXECUTIVE SUITE WITH MY MAN!  :) I choose to have choices.